Project news

  • 30. 11. 2019. Official Project finish, but the work will continue, so stay tuned!
  • 15. 11. 2019: Effective Response Conference, Sopron, Hungary. Talk:
    • K. Gillemot, “Applicability of a distributed wireless sensor network of accelerometers for mass movement early warning”.
  • GPU version of MWDiEM on Github!
  • 24.10- 01. 11. 2019: Secondment on GPU programming: dr. David Volgyes, Research Group for Digital Signal Processing 5and Image Analysis, Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo
  • 4. 10. 2019: Annual closed meeting of the ENGAGE group
  • 18-21. 09. 2019: accepted to hold a talk at the GeoComputation 2019 -Adventures in GeoComputation, Queenstown, New Zeeland, however had
    to cancel due to personal reasons:
    • Gillemot, K., Mergili, M., Glade, T., MWDiEM - a new tool to model gravitational mass transport (accepted), GeoComputation 2019 -Adventures in GeoComputation, 18-21. September, 2019, Queenstown, NZ;
  • 01. 08. 2019: Project is now extended till 30. 11. 2019, but will only be working on it 50%. 
  • 11-12. 07. 2019: GPU Days, Budapest, Hungary. Great meeting to discuss the GPU ascpect of MWDiEM
  • 16-22. 06. 2019: Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research: Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain, Obergurgl, Austria. Great school, have so much on Laser scanning and Structure from Motion methods! Poster:
    • Gillemot. K. Modeling dry mass-flow with MWDiEM;
  • 7-12. 04. 2019: EGU 2019 in Vienna, Austria. Poster of the Project:
    • Gillemot, K., Mergili, M., Glade, T., MWDiEM, a new tool to look inside a gravitational mass flow, EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April, 2019, Vienna, AT (2019);
  • 11-15. 02. 2019: Practice meets science, International Advanced Training Course on Snow and Avalanches, Davos, Switzerland, organized by the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF). Really great course, finally a place to learn  about avalanches, while at the same time discussing ones own research! 
  • 16-18. 12. 2018: Research visit at dr. Anna Seres at the University of Miskolc to discuss future collaboration opportunities
  • 30-31. 10. 2018: main organiser, scientific committee member and poster presenter at the COST meeting Workshop towards a better harmonization of snow observations, modeling and data assimilation in Europe, Budapest, Hungary:
    • Gillemot, K., MWDiEM, a new tool to model the granular nature of snow avalanches, Workshop on towards a better harmonization of snow observations,  mdeling and data assimilation in Europe, 30 -31 October 2018, Budapest, HU (2018);
  • 8-12. 10. 2018. International Snow Science Workshop 2018, in Innsbruck, presented two posters:
    • Gillemot, K., Visontai, D., Modeling snow avalanches with MWDiEM, International Snow Science Workshop, 7-12 October, 2018, Innsbruck, AT (2018)
    • Ágoston, V., Gillemot, K., Methods used in operational avalanche forecasting around the globe – a comprehensive study, International Snow Science Workshop Innsbruck, 7-12 October, 2018, Innsbruck, AT (2018);
  • 01.10.2018- 01. 02. 2019: Modeling in Physical Geography, MSc level course, University of Vienna, Vienna, AT (4 ECTS, 2018 WS main lecturer 100%)
  • 17-19. 09. 2018: Fieldwork at Hofermühle with the NoeSLIDE project. 
  • 29-30. 08. 2018: COST Harmosnow Managment Committee meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Great opportunity to discuss own research with fellows from SLF. 
  • 28-29. 06. 2018: COST Harmosnow Managment Committee meeting in Evora, Portugal.
  • 27. 06. 2018: presented the project and earlier research at the Geographie Werkstatt Österreich 2018 in Klagenfurt:
    • Gillemot, K., Segregation of granular particles with different friction coefficients, Geographie ‐ Werkstatt Österreich 2018, Von Anthropozän bis Digitalisierung
  • 26. 06. 2018: talk at the Marie Curie Project visit at Vienna
  • 9. 05. 2018: outreach talk at the Marie Curie Fellowship Workshop event organised by the University of Vienna
  • 17-18. 04. 2018: COST Harmosnow Managment Committee meeting in Tallin
  • 10-17. 02. 2018: research visit at the University of Reykjavik in Iceland invited by Dr. David Finger in February 2018:
    • guest lecture on MAWAMOSCA for MSc level Environmental Engineering students during their Hydrology course.
    • took part on the IceDust Workshop of the Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association at Agricultural University of Iceland (14 February, 2018) in Reykjavik, poster: Garcia-Santos, G., Piz, J., Gillemot, K., Dagsson, P., Meinander, O., Djordjevic, D., Finger, D., Pilot study to predict  contamination drift on snow surface, COST – IS (2018). 
    • took part in a field campaign of the Harmosnow COST Action ES1404, where she has carried out snow water equivalent measurements. The result of the field campaign are already published in the following: Leppänen, L., López-Moreno, J.I., Gillemot, K., Luks, B., Holko, L., Arslan, A.N., Azzoni, R., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Finger, D., Marty, C., Sanmiguel-Vallelado, A., Sensoy Sorman, A., Soncini, A., Sorman, A., Vint, K., European Snow Booklet author in chapter, Uncertainty Estimation of Manual SWE Measurements: Experiences from three HarmoSnow Field Campaigns, DOI: 10.16904/envidat.59 (2019)
    • K. Gillemot, Téli tudományos kalandok Izlandon, Légkör (64) 2. 45-88 (2019). Outreach article.
  • 5-7. 12. 2017: r.avaflow internal meeting in Innsbruck. A most beneficial experience, as it was the perfect opportunity to network with the people behind the project. 
  • 16. 11. 2017: took part in a field work trip to Gresten and Hofermühle, two of the research sites of the NoeSLIDE project
  • 15. 11. 2017. “What happens inside a landslide?”: an outreach article published on the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy website of the University of Vienna, introducing the project. 
  • 10. 10. 2017: gave a talk at the Konversatorium entitled: "From nanoscience to landslides", introducing MAWAMOSCA and my previous research. 
  • 6-7. 10. 2017: annual closed meeting of the ENGAGE group
  • 1. 10. 2017: project begin. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 743713.